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Quality 菌毒素 ELISA キット, 薬物残留物検査キット supplier from China.



Focusing on PCR, NGS, ELISA, and lateral flow rapid test kits including food safety test kits, and human and animal infectious disease diagnostic kits in the US for 12 years.

REAGEN manufactures innovative diagnostic kits for detection of antibiotics, veterinary drugs, mycotoxins, algal toxins, estrogens, pesticides, industrial pollutants, and infectious diseases, as well as raw materials for molecular diagnostics and immunoassays. Our diagnostic systems are fast and easy to operate and designed to efficiently guarantee the quality of the assays in the laboratory.


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Company Details

Office Address: 7098 Miratech Dr Ste 110 San Diego CA 92121 USA
Factory Address: 7098 Miratech Dr Ste 110 San Diego CA 92121 USA