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Hangzhou Jie Qu Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Quality 空中でのシザリリフト, 垂直マストリフト supplier from China.


As an aerial work platform supplier located in East China, Hangzhou JieQu Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd is an entity enterprise with many years of experience of design, production and sales. Our scissor lifts, vertical mast lifts, aerial order pickers, rail trolly pickers for the greenhouse and other products are popular in the global markets. With our own brand “JQlift”, we hope to raise your standards in future.

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Company Details

Office Address: No. 568 Tangxin Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 311228, China
Factory Address: No. 568 Tangxin Road, Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 311228, China